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Enterprise Features

Databend provides a single binary that includes both core and enterprise features. The core features can be accessed without a license key, while the enterprise features require either a trial or an enterprise license key. This page lists the available enterprise features.

How do I obtain a license key?

If you're interested in obtaining a trial or enterprise license key, click this link to find instructions on how to acquire one.

After obtaining your license key, refer to our License FAQs for guidance on how to set your license and verify its validity.

Vacuum Dropped TablesOptimize storage and data management for dropped tables:
- Efficiently free up storage by removing dropped tables' data files.
- Utilize the 'Retain N hours' option to specify a time window during which dropped table data files are retained for potential recovery.
- Safely preview the removal of data files using the dry-run option.
Data Vacuum with Fail-SafeDeep clean your storage space:
- Remove orphan segment and block files.
- Ensure secure data cleaning with fail-safe guarantees.
- Safely preview the removal of data files using the dry-run option.
Computed ColumnsComputed columns save you time and effort by enabling derivation of new columns from existing ones:
- Automatic updates ensure accurate and consistent data.
- Advanced analysis and calculations can now be performed within the database.
- Two types of computed columns: stored and virtual. Virtual columns save you space as they are calculated on-the-fly when queried.